Greek Diary 2004

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Number of messages: 5

A whole lot of spending time

by Otto
d. 12-07-2004 11:36:42

If you're only staying in Paleochora for a few days, you will properly have enough to do. Apart from the fundamental activities as sleeping and eating, you spend some time on the sandy beach, the stony beach or even take the 50 minutes walk to anidri Beach. The more adventures turist will also rent a car (25-33 E), and enjoy the breattaking views overlooking the Mediterranean Sea, while driving up the west coast to the aquablue beach of Falasarna.
Another day can be spent with a minimal effort by taking the small boat to Ellafonisos and back again.
These few activities will easily fill out a one week stay in Paleochora.
But what if you have two weeks or even more, as some of the regular turists here , who actually stays for 4-5-6- or even 8 weeks ! They soon will have to face the reality of doing nothing and exercise the art of simle living (see articel below for a basic intro to this subject)
Here we will only draw up a few basic rules for the long time visitor.
as mentioned before - keep it simple. Make a rutine out of your few daily necessary activities. Actually you should make yourself a schedule for doing nothing! This is of the upmost importance, not only for your own enlightenment, but also for the other turist. Remember you're not alone.
If you follow certain rutines and develop your own habits, other turist will also be able to observe and even follow your whereabouts and other doings.
Now you will properly say to yourself: What do I care?
You better do! I tell you why:
Doing the day - while performing youre rutines - you will have nothing else to do than watching other people doing the same thing. And to be honest : this is actually the primary source of entertainment in Paleochora!
To cut it out:
Go to the same restaurants - not nesseraly every day, but at least with some regularity. Do scroll down the portside and the mainstreet , at least once every evening.
By doing so you expose yourself for the entertainment of others, and the possibillities of meeting old friends and even making new ones.
The more people who follows these simple rules, the more we all will escape the feeling of spending time (and money) on doing noting.
Yours - now entering his second week.

A shelter from the storm

by Otto
d. 10-07-2004 10:12:40

This article will describe a new innovation for mankind - or to quote "a small step for man, but a giant step for ... Ok , let just say sunbathers on a stormy sandy beach.

For the last few days it has been very very windy in Paleochora. There is always more than a breez to cool things down here. But for the last few days it has been what we in Denmark would call : 'stiv kuling med vindstoed af stormstyrke' that is a severe gale force wind.
This means that, weather you like it or not, you will get a total bodypeeling going to the sandy beach. And for this simple reason the beach has been deserted for the last few days. Except for me ! And reagardless of the storming conditions I had some really beautiful days at the beach.

Now you will ask - if you're still with me ... How is this possible ?
It is all due to the innovation nof mankind - and in this matter your humble writer. Its about the bedsheet technic that I have developed and inplemented during these stormy days.

The tecnic in itsself is both unique and simple as follows:
-Bring your bedsheet - from home or from the hotel. I took my own from home . An old but thich and of a very good quality. This is not essiential but will serve to enhance your enjoyment.

Now place your sunbed and yourselfup against the wind.
-grab hold of one corner of your bedsheet with your left hand, and place your right hand at the middle of the sheet, in same side as the corner youre holding on to.
-Raise your left hand as high as you can, and the bedsheet will now form a giant flag, spread out by the wind.
- Now comes the footwork. Make a kind of chase` steps, by which you roll yourself into the bedsheet. Only halfway round for the stomach-approach and wholeway round for the backside approach.
You should now have at least 50 cm of the sheet above your head.
-Then place yourself on the sunbed (or in the sand) and you found a shelter from the storm.

This is a multiporpose tecnic that provides you with:
# shelter from the wind
# protects you from the painfully blowing sand
# gives sunprotection as needed
# enable you to cover up different bodyparts
# cool your brain down after swimming - cover head with sheet while your hair is still wet.
# use sheet for cleaning of sunglasses etc. By covering your head in the sheet it will worrk perfect as sunglasses .. ok you wnat see anything though.
# enable you to light your cigerets
# provides you with a perfect hide/away place for people you dont want to be seen by.

When hiding away in your bedsheet you might miss something else going on at the beach.
when smoking while using this bedsheet method you are in danger for beating of the lit tip of your cigeret. This can cause nasty burns ! There fore the writer takes no responsibility from any damage or accidents caused by the use of technic described above.

The art of simpel living - Part #1

by otto
d. 08-07-2004 09:33:04

Being a turist in Paleochora gives you the opportunity to exercise the art of simpel living. You can boil this down to 3 fundamental questions:

Where, when and what to eat ?

This applies to breakfast, lunch and dinner. All together this gives you 9 essential questions that you will have to answer every day. even for a small group of friends this can surely be a timeconsuming issue in itself.

These - in themselves simpel questions , will only become more complex, as the numbers of avaiable restaurants and tavernas arequite numerous. You get the picture...?


-cut down the number of alternative restaurants, and choose a few... the fewer the better!

- get a rutine. Cut out the question of When, and just follow a fixed schedule for eating.

Now the number of questions is down to 6 . Got it..?

- If you're the type that does not enjoy the free wills endlessly demand for desicionsmaking, then go to Anidri Beach ehere there is only one taverna !

Now you only have one question left...What to eat?
And as the menucard is quite short, you're getting closer to the simpel way of living.

End part #1

EM mestrene

by otto
d. 07-07-2004 09:18:47

Soendag aften vandt Graekenland EM finalen - og der var stor glaede og fest i gadne natten lang. Der blev affyret noedblus og skudt med rifler og de unge koerte rundt i bilerne med hornet i bund hele aftnen.
Dagen efter virkede alt dog ganske normalt igen - omend vi godt kan hore at graesk fjernsyn selvfoelig foelger op paa sejren dagligt.

Med taxa fra Chania

by otto
d. 06-07-2004 11:14:51

Vi tog en taxa fra lufthavnen til Paleochora . For de 60 Euro fik vi en herlig tur / hvor vores charfoer talte i et vaek om graesk histurie og kultur. Hans stamme var i forvejen saa godt som nedslidt , men det stoppede ham ikke. Jeg viste godt at Creta var den europaeiske kulturs vugge, men det gjorde det ikke alene for vores charfoer.
Alexander d store var nu ogsaa graesk , og han laerte de erobrede folk mod oest / ikke bare at laese og skrive men ogsaa at bruge vaaben , ja selv at gaa og spise ..! Ioevrigt var det altsaa ogsaa i den lillle landsby Kandanos - hvor charfoerens onkel gav oel og kaffe - at Hitlers SS tropper endeligt moedte deres overmaend, og dermed tabte Hitler krigen. Dette og meget meget mere blev fortalt os paa den knap 2 timer lange koeretur
Hilsen Otto

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